The National Advanced Battery Workforce Council (NABWC)

An emerging public-private partnership comprised of industry, government, community organizations, academia, and workforce/labor intermediaries to catalyze, coordinate and execute national battery workforce objectives. NABWC is a public service, non-profit, brand neutral, volunteer based organization dedicated to the success of the U.S. battery industry.

The formation

…is a key recommendation of the Li-Bridge Workforce and Communities Committee. Li-Bridge is a public-private partnership tasked with developing a national strategy that creates a sustainable and robust US supply chain for battery technology. Argonne National Labs serves as facilitator between private industry and the federal agencies and departments. Private industry participation is facilitated by an alliance of NAATBatt, NY-BEST, and New Energy Nexus.

The need for a major battery industry training and education effort is an essential factor in scaling a broad, strong and vibrant U.S. battery industry. Doing that successfully and expeditiously is crucial to U.S. national security and economic vitality.

NABWC’s work is already underway. 2023 objectives:


  1. Update and expand the 2022 survey of battery industry workforce needs
  2. Reach out to battery training and education providers in the U.S. and allied nations – including trade and apprenticeship schools, community colleges and universities – to build a comprehensive database of existing battery and battery-related training and education offerings
  3. Organize and catalog the available training and education
  4. Develop a central “one stop” internet platform where all interested organizations and individuals may conveniently and efficiently access the cataloged information
  5. Compare the results of numbers 1 and 2 above to determine gaps in available battery training and education
  6. Strongly encourage training and education content providers to create courses which will fill those gaps
  7. Promote careers in battery manufacturing and maintenance to students and other potential workforce participants

NABWC is now open for prospective members and advisors

Complete this form for additional information

NABWC will be in touch within a few days